About UsWe're building the #1 site for christian pastor jobs

Christian Pastor Jobs is one of the largest online job boards for senior, worship, associate, and youth pastors. With thousands of visitors, Christian Pastor Jobs is a leading destination to find and list incredible pastor jobs.

We are passionate about connecting amazing churches with talented pastors.

We believe that helping pastors find a great church and helping churches find talented pastors is an important job. We play a small role, but we believe its vital to building the kingdom of God. And, we love doing it. We started Christian Pastor Jobs in 2022 with the mission of helping 10,000 pastors to find their next church. And we are well on our way to hitting that goal.

Meet our team

We're a small but mighty team working to make Christian Pastor Jobs the best site possible.

Frequently asked questions

Have a question? We have answers. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can always send us an email with your question.

FAQs for employers

How much does it cost to post a job?
The base price for a job listing on Christian Pastor Jobs is $99 per month. From there, you can select different upgrades to feature and enhance your job post.
How long does my job post stay live for?
Job postings on Christian Pastor Jobs have a lifespan of 30 days. After those 30 days you can easily renew your job posting to extend as needed. Don't worry, we'll send you reminders before your post expires.
How many people will see my job post?
Christian Pastor Jobs gets thousands of visitors from job seekers every month. We also share job posts on our email digest daily, weekly, and monthly to our subscribers.
How do I edit my job post?
Check your inbox. You can edit your job post at any time using the edit link we sent you when you originally published your job posting. Search your inbox for Christian Pastor Jobs to find the link.
How do I renew my job post?
We'll send you reminder emails 7 days before, 3 days before, and the day of your post expires. Simply click the link in the email and follow the steps to renew. You can upgrade or enhance your post during renewal too.
Where can I find my receipt?
Check your inbox. We emailed you a copy of your receipt each time you publish or renew a job post.

FAQs for job seekers

How can I find a job?
The best way to find a job on Christian Pastor Jobs is to use our search and filter settings. You can narrow down your search by job type, location, or denomination.
Do I need an account to use Christian Pastor Jobs?
No. You don't need to signup or create an account to use Christian Pastor Jobs. Simply start searching and find a job you want to apply for.
How do I apply for a job on Christian Pastor Jobs?
Once you find a job that you are interested in click the link to "Apply for this position". This link will take you to the employers preferred method to apply for that job.
How can I sign up to receive new job posting alerts?
You can signup to receive email digests for new jobs daily, weekly or monthly. Simply go to our home page, put in your email address, and click "Subscribe".
How do I unsubscribe from job posting alerts?
Each job posting alert email contains an "Unsubscribe" link in the bottom footer. You can click that link to unsubscribe from receiving job posting alerts.
I need to report a fraudulent job posting or company. What do I do?
We take these very seriously! You can report potentially fraudulent or concerning posts to our team at [email protected] for prompt review.